ITC SheTrades and Unilever Project: Enhancing economic opportunities for women in supply chains

The ITC SheTrades and Unilever project aims to enhance procurement from women-led and -owned businesses in Indonesia, with the goal of enhancing women’s economic opportunities and gender equality in the country. It unites ITC’s expertise in supporting the growth of women-owned micro, small and medium sized enterprises with Unilever’s experience in fostering inclusivity and sustainability within value chains.
Implemented between November 2022 and December 2023.
About the project
The ITC SheTrades-Unilever project is dedicated to increasing the presence of women-led/-owned businesses within Unilever’s supply chain. This goal is realized through the enhancement of the technical capabilities of Indonesian women entrepreneurs, ensuring that they are well-prepared to meet the procurement criteria of large corporations.
To date, the project has delivered the following:
  • Two technical trainings encompassing a wide range of subjects, including industry standards and certifications, effective pitching strategies, sustainable business practices and an overview of Unilever’s procurement criteria.
  • Training of Trainers (ToT) program involving 18 institutions and associations across five provinces. These trainings were designed to embed knowledge and expertise necessary to train their own members and networks on sustainability in supply chains and strategies for accessing finance for businesses. 
  • Facilitated connections between 125 women-owned and led businesses and Unilever procurement officers to explore collaboration within the Unilever supply chain.
Implementing Partners

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