Events & Activities

Certifications clés pour les transformateurs agroalimentaires

When: July 18, 2024 – July 18, 2024

Where: Virtuellement sur Zoom


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Rejoignez-nous pour le quatrième volet de notre programme de formation en ligne composé de 7 modules sur le commerce intra-africain de produits alimentaires transformés.

Ce programme a été conçu conjointement par des experts de l’ITC des sections Compétitivité sectorielle et économique et Intelligence commerciale et de marché.
Au programme :
  • Comprendre l’importance des certifications pour les transformateurs agroalimentaires
  • Comment les certifications peuvent-elles renforcer votre compétitivité à l’exportation et faciliter votre accès aux marchés mondiaux ?
  • Quelles sont les étapes pour obtenir une certification et quels sont les points clés à prendre en compte ?
  • Quelles sont les principales certifications pour les transformateurs agroalimentaires et en quoi sont-elles différentes : Utiliser la Carte des Normes de l’ITC
  • Que sont les normes ISO et quel est leur rôle dans la gestion de la qualité et les normes internationales ? En savoir plus sur le HACCP, les certifications biologiques, Fairtrade, Halal, Casher et autres certifications pertinentes pour votre entreprise.
  • Questions/Réponses

Ce programme est rendu possible grâce au soutien financier de la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).


Events & Activities

Key certifications for women-led agro-food processors

When: July 18, 2024 – July 18, 2024

Where: Virtually on Zoom


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Join us for the fourth part of our 7-module training programme on intra-African trade in processed foods

This online training programme targets all African women-led businesses. It is co-designed by ITC experts from the Sector and Economic Competitiveness and Trade and Market Intelligence sections and implemented in collaboration with private sector partners.
What’s on the menu for Session 4 ‘Key certifications for women-led agro-food processors’?
  • Understanding the importance of certifications for agro-food processors
  • How can certifications bolster your export competitiveness and facilitate your access to global market access
  • What are the steps to getting certified and what are the key considerations you must take note of?
  • Which are the main certifications for agro-food processors and how are they different: Using the ITC Standards Map
  • What are ISO Standards and their role in quality management and international standards? Learn more about HACCP, organic certifications, Fairtrade, Halal, Kosher, and other relevant certifications for your business.
The programme is made possible with financial support from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).


Events & Activities

Webinar sobre Competitividade em Exportação para Empresas Moçambicanas Lideradas

When: July 17 2024

Where: Online

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Únase a nosotras para nuestro taller sobre competitividad de las exportaciones de Mozambique.

No próximo dia 18 de Junho de 2024, o @‌International Trade Centre (ITC) organiza um webinar sobre a competitividade das exportações. Participe nesta sessao para adquirir novos conhecimentos sobre como preparar o seu negócio para explorar novas oportunidades de mercado.

Esta sessão de webinar online tem como objetivo aumentar o conhecimento das empresas lideradas por mulheres em Moçambique sobre a competitividade das exportações, ou seja, estratégia de negócios, comunicação, marketing e vendas para negócios, requisitos de produção e conformidade, bem como gestão de recursos humanos.

Esta sessão de webinar online sobre Competitividade nas Exportações destina-se a empresas moçambicanas lideradas por mulheres em todos os sectores. Note-se que este webinar está aberto a todas as empresas moçambicanas lideradas por mulheres, independentemente da sua experiência prévia em exportação.
¿Tengo una pregunta? Contáctanos aquí:

Events & Activities

Enhance your export visibility through social media

When: June 20, 2024 – June 20, 2024

Where: Virtually on Zoom


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Join us for the third part of our 7-moduletraining programme on intra-African trade in processed foods

This online training programme targets all African women-led businesses. It is co-designed by ITC experts from the Sector and Economic Competitiveness and Trade and Market Intelligence sections and implemented in collaboration with private sector partners.
At the end of this seven modules, you should be able to:
  • Assess your export readiness under the AfCFTA
  • Have greater understanding of export requirements, procedures and solutions
  • Develop your own export strategy

What’s on the menu for Session 3 ‘Enhance Your Export Visibility through Social Media’?

  • Introduction to most popular and used social media platforms
  • How to select your platforms and build a social media strategy
  • What information to share with potential buyers on social media?
  • Engagement and interactions techniques
  • Creating adequate visual content.
Missed out on earlier sessions?
Visit the ITC SheTrades AfCFTA project page to access all learning resources and past recordings.


Events & Activities

Making Rules of Origin Work for Women in the AfCFTA

When: October 3, 2023 – October 3, 2023

Where: Online


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Making Rules of Origin Work for Women in the AfCFTA

Unlocking Africa’s Future: Join the ITC #SheTrades #AfCFTA Webinar Series for women’s business associations!

Join the first instalment of a three-part webinar series that will cover essential topics for women’s business associations to thrive under the #AfCFTA, including: rules of origin, digital trade, and cross-border finance options. Understand the rules of origin under the AfCFTA and how to harness them to your advantage to access new markets.


Events & Activities

Finance & Cross-Border Payment Instruments under the AfCFTA

When: October 30, 2023 – October 30, 2023



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Finance & Cross-Border Payment Instruments under the AfCFTA

We invite you to join us for the third instalment of our ITC #SheTrades #AfCFTA Webinar Series for women’s business associations!
During this informative session, discover the valuable insights on harnessing the Pan-African Payment & Settlement Systems (PAPSS) within the framework of this agreement.
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Events & Activities

Webinar: Registration of and Procurement from Women-led Businesses

When: October 24, 2023 – October 24, 2023


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Registration of and Procurement from Women-led Businesses Webinar

USD 3 billion. That’s how much the United Nations procures every year.

Ever wondered how much of these are won by women-led businesses?

Join this webinar to learn more about the procurement process and how ITC SheTrades and the UN Secretariat lead the global campaign to boost women’s participation in procurement bids.
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The Role of Digital Trade in the AfCFTA

Webinar: The Role of Digital Trade in the AfCFTA Webinar

When: 09 November 2023



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The Role of Digital Trade in the AfCFTA Webinar

Given the AfCFTA’s potential to foster regional value chains and its ambition to encompass goods, services, intellectual property, competition and investment, it is critical that women are well-positioned to seize opportunities in regional trade. The project, SheTrades: Empowering Women in the African Continental Free Trade Area—Phase  II, contributes to  ITC One Trade Africa strategy on African regional integration. It aims to empower women entrepreneurs to benefit from trade opportunities created by the AfCFTA.

About the webinar
To support women’s business associations in the AfCFTA thrive in the digital era, this webinar will demonstrate what digital trade means in the context of the AfCFTA and how they can benefit from it.

Date and time
09 November 2023 at 14:00 – 15:30 CET
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