Events & Activities

L’exportation 101 : Navigation des prix, des processus et de la documentation

When: August 15, 2024 – August 15, 2024

Where: Virtuellement sur Zoom

AfCFTAExport developmentFood & Beverage

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Rejoignez-nous pour le cinquième volet de notre programme de formation en ligne composé de 7 modules sur le commerce intra-africain de produits alimentaires transformés.

Notre formation vous fournira les connaissances et les compétences essentielles pour réussir sur les marchés internationaux.

Clous de la formation:

  • Comprenez les raisons d’étendre votre entreprise à l’international
  • Apprenez les étapes et les critères de la tarification concurrentielle, ainsi que des exemples concrets de CIF et FOB
  • Explorez les options de transport et les documents essentiels comme le connaissement
  • Comprenez le Système Harmonisé et Incoterms

Bailleur de fonds

Events & Activities

Exporting 101: Navigating Prices, Process and Documentation

When: August 15, 2024 – August 15, 2024

Where: Virtually on Zoom

AfCFTAExport developmentFood & Beverage

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Join us for the fifth part of our 7-module training programme on intra-African trade in processed foods

This online training programme targets all African women-led businesses. It is co-designed by ITC experts from the Sector and Economic Competitiveness and Trade and Market Intelligence sections and implemented in collaboration with private sector partners.

At the end of this seven modules, you should be able to:
  • Assess your export readiness under the AfCFTA
  • Have greater understanding of export requirements, procedures and solutons
  • Develop your own export strategy

What’s on the menu for session 4: Exporting 101?

  • The benefits of going global
  • A step-by-step guide to exporting
  • How to set competitive pricing
    How to choose the right transportation option for your business, as well as necessary documentation
    Understanding the documentation that you will need for international markets
  • How to navigate trade regulations like the Harmonized System and Incoterms


Events & Activities

Webinar sobre Competitividade em Exportação para Empresas Moçambicanas Lideradas

When: July 17 2024

Where: Online

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Únase a nosotras para nuestro taller sobre competitividad de las exportaciones de Mozambique.

No próximo dia 18 de Junho de 2024, o @‌International Trade Centre (ITC) organiza um webinar sobre a competitividade das exportações. Participe nesta sessao para adquirir novos conhecimentos sobre como preparar o seu negócio para explorar novas oportunidades de mercado.

Esta sessão de webinar online tem como objetivo aumentar o conhecimento das empresas lideradas por mulheres em Moçambique sobre a competitividade das exportações, ou seja, estratégia de negócios, comunicação, marketing e vendas para negócios, requisitos de produção e conformidade, bem como gestão de recursos humanos.

Esta sessão de webinar online sobre Competitividade nas Exportações destina-se a empresas moçambicanas lideradas por mulheres em todos os sectores. Note-se que este webinar está aberto a todas as empresas moçambicanas lideradas por mulheres, independentemente da sua experiência prévia em exportação.
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Events & Activities

ITC SheTrades & Visa Webinar Series: Harnessing digital solutions for financial success

When: 13-27 June 2024 | 10-11am CEST

Where: Online

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Join us for the next installment of our ITC SheTrades & Visa “Harnessing digital solutions for financial success” webinar series

Want to improve your financial planning, digitize your payment solutions and prepare your business for funding?

ITC SheTrades and Visa are thrilled to invite you to the “harnessing digital solutions for financial success” webinar series. This is created to better equip women-led businesses to engage in open digital economies and enhance their business competitiveness using digital financial tools. Following the conclusion of the webinar series, participants will have the opportunity to be chosen for individual mentoring sessions facilitated by Visa experts.

Register now for our three-part webinar series, brought to you by Visa and ITC 
Webinar 1: Future Ready – Effective Financial Planning (13 June 2024)
Webinar 2: Digital Solutions for Small Business (20 June 2024)
Webinar 3: Navigating the Path to Capital (27 June 2024)
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Events & Activities

WTO-ITC High-Level Event on Women and Trade

When: February 24, 2024 – February 25, 2024

Where: The United Arab Emirates

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Join WTO and ITC as women in trade take centre stage at MC13

World Trade Organization (WTO) Members, the WTO Secretariat and the International Trade Centre (ITC) have placed inclusive trade at the forefront of global, regional and national agendas. In 2017, the Buenos Aires WTO Declaration on Trade and Women’s Economic Empowerment was a key milestone in the global women and trade agenda with more than two-thirds of the WTO membership joining the Declaration. In 2021, 134 WTO members and observers established the Informal Working Group on Trade and Gender. At MC12, WTO members recognized the importance of women’s economic empowerment in international trade.

Turning to Aid for Trade, ITC SheTrades Initiative, launched in 2015, has been a key driver in transforming opportunities for women producers and entrepreneurs. ITC SheTrades works with corporations, export promotion agencies, chambers of commerce, financial institutions and trade ministries to create sustainable and scalable impact for women entrepreneurs and producers.

At the 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13), the journey towards an inclusive trading system accelerates. WTO and ITC, in collaboration with the Government of the UAE, will hold a two-day high-level event to celebrate the progress made by women entrepreneurs in international trade and inspire governments and private sector to take bolder actions in their support for the trade and women’s economic empowerment agenda.

WTO and ITC will convene governments, corporations, financial institutions, and thought leaders for a joint high-level event. The high-level event will witness the launch of the WTO-ITC Women Exporters in the Digital Economy (WEIDE) Fund—a pioneering initiative that aims to leverage digitalization to boost the competitiveness of and unlock new markets for women-led businesses. The event also includes a series of thought-provoking panel sessions, networking opportunities, and the ITC SheTrades Innovation Festival.

The Launch of the WEIDE Fund is preceded by the WTO-ITC SheTrades Summit, featuring a programme specially tailored to women entrepreneurs.
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Events & Activities

Webinar: Registration of and Procurement from Women-led Businesses

When: October 24, 2023 – October 24, 2023


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Registration of and Procurement from Women-led Businesses Webinar

USD 3 billion. That’s how much the United Nations procures every year.

Ever wondered how much of these are won by women-led businesses?

Join this webinar to learn more about the procurement process and how ITC SheTrades and the UN Secretariat lead the global campaign to boost women’s participation in procurement bids.
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The Role of Digital Trade in the AfCFTA

Webinar: The Role of Digital Trade in the AfCFTA Webinar

When: 09 November 2023



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The Role of Digital Trade in the AfCFTA Webinar

Given the AfCFTA’s potential to foster regional value chains and its ambition to encompass goods, services, intellectual property, competition and investment, it is critical that women are well-positioned to seize opportunities in regional trade. The project, SheTrades: Empowering Women in the African Continental Free Trade Area—Phase  II, contributes to  ITC One Trade Africa strategy on African regional integration. It aims to empower women entrepreneurs to benefit from trade opportunities created by the AfCFTA.

About the webinar
To support women’s business associations in the AfCFTA thrive in the digital era, this webinar will demonstrate what digital trade means in the context of the AfCFTA and how they can benefit from it.

Date and time
09 November 2023 at 14:00 – 15:30 CET
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